LET'S THINK ABOUT THE SITUATION WE ARE EXPERIENCING: Nesse momento é importante refletir sobre o que deixamos da nossa presença para as pessoas que amamos, nossa família e amigos. Convido todos vocês a refletirem sobre isso, o quanto é importante aquele abraço que não demos, aquelas palavras que ficaram presas na garganta e que eram tão importante para ajudar alguém querido em um momento difícil e não foram ditas por puro orgulho, A distância de coisas e pessoas que nos fazem felizes estão fazendo falta não é? Bem logo estaremos juntos novamente, enquanto isso vamos exercitar nossa reflexão e estudar um pouco realizem as atividades semanais e enviem para o email: odeteass@gmail.com, 
Hugs and kisses.


Who is entrepreneurship person?
·         An entrepreneur is an initiator, a challenger and a driver. Someone that creates something new, either an initiative, a business or a company. He or she is the beginning (and sometimes the end) of a venture, project or activity.

     An entrepreneur is an initiator, a challenger and a driver. Someone that creates something new, either an initiative, a business or a company. He or she is the beginning (and sometimes the end) of a venture, project or activity. An entrepreneur is a person who starts a new business and usually risks his own money to start the venture. Examples of well-known entrepreneurs include Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Arianna Huffington and Caterina Fake

        What are the 7 characteristics of entrepreneurs?

7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
·         Self-Motivation. One of the most important traits of entrepreneurs is self-motivation. ...
·         Understand What You Offer. As an entrepreneur, you need to know what you offer, and how it fits into the market. ...
·         Take Risks. ...
·         Know How to Network. ...
·         Basic Money Management Skills and Knowledge. ...
·         Flexibility. ...
·         Passion.
5 Key Characteristics Every Entrepreneur Should Have
Passion. ...
·         Perseverance. ...
·         Resourcefulness. ...
·         Open-Mindedness. ...
·         Spongelike nature.
           What are the 10 characteristics of a good entrepreneur?

10 Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur
1) Creativity.
2) Professionalism.
3) Risk-taking.
4) Passion.
5) Planning.
6) Knowledge.
7) Social Skills.
8) Open-mindedness towards learning, people, and even failure.

Responda as questões do texto: “YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR”

1     1)  What are the characteristics of a Young entrepreneur?

2     2)  Describe the profile of a young entrepreneur?

3      3)  If could be an entrepreneur, what would you like to do?

     4) Write three adjectives that identify you as a young entrepreneur.
